Reviewer: Kim C.

Rating: **** (4) really liked

What I thought: 
    My first impression was this is a lot of money to spend for plastic and rubber bands. I still feel that way but, I also had a blast making bracelets like crazy. They are pretty simple to make. I did not go by the book to make them instead I went to the rainbow loom website and youtube and watched the videos. Much easier. I feel this product is fun and addictive. They mainly just carry it at Michaels arts and crafts store. They also sell them at Toys are us but, they are called "Crazy Loom" and made by different company. They also sell the rubber bands at Joeanne's fabric store. Michaels is the best though. 
Want to know more or can't find the refills go to: 

Would I recommend it:
 yes if you or your child like making crafts. No if you hate trends that everyone is doing or you are on a very tight budget. This product is in high demand.

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